What is the difference between external and internal

A carefully monitored and successful plan is essential if you want to gain maximum value from your strategy and your assets. That requires an understanding of the different parts of your internal as well as external communications , namely your audience, your goal, your flow, your means, etc.

Corporations should consider implementing solutions such as digital workplaces in order to connect all employees and give them easy access to information, thus avoiding misalignment. By aggregating RSS feeds from social channels or any other information websites, the management can make sure that both internal and external communications are aligned.

Keep in mind that technology as well as employee preferences are changing and evolving and so should the synergy between your internal and external communications tools. The more social media tools evolve, the more your internal communications tools should follow their lead. Getting your workforce involved in the development of your strategy can contribute to its success and raise awareness and support for your plans across the entire organisation.

Having a diverse coalition of stakeholders invested in the creation and delivery of your communications strategy will give you access to a wider range of skills and insights, ultimately increasing your chances of success. Internal and external communications are both vital to the success of a business and its sustainability. One helps to guide, inform and motivate employees to work efficiently and effectively and meet their targets while the other helps in presenting a good image of the business to the public and enticing partners and customers.

In internal communication, messages can be exchanged via personal contact, telephone, e-mails, intranet , modern communication tools or digital workplaces. Internal communities are places where employees can find help and support when they experience difficulties.

I personally experienced such a community first hand several times, when joining a company among other newcomers. I am a marketer and social media junkie. I mainly write cartoons but I am also a big fan of topics related to internal communications in the digital workplace. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Stay tuned and get our latest articles directly to your inbox. Enter your email address below:. This field is required. Nouha Blagui.

What are the differences between internal and external communications? What is internal and external communication? What is internal communications? What is external communications? The audience. The goal. The frequency. The difference between internal and external is that anything internal is on the inside of something, whereas anything external is on the outside of something. The two concepts at the base of our discussion today are exactly contradictory to each other. They signify the antonyms of the other one.

And how do we specifically define them enough to be able to completely set the two terms apart from one another? The definition of external is something that is on the outside of something else.

This terminology and definition can apply to numerous areas of study and living. It can refer to external examinations and may relate to distinct references in a conversation too. Ultimately, the fundamental difference between internal and external lies in the fact that any object that resides within the confines of these two descriptions is located either within or on the outside of something else.

For instance, when comparing an internal vs external examination, we can summarize an internal examination by saying that it would occur within the structure of a company using its own staff members.

An external examination however would take place using staff members that had come in from an external company to carry out an independent examination. The reason why these staff members would be classed as external is that they came from outside of the company.

We will shortly observe more examples that highlight the variations between internal vs external, but you should finally be starting to form a picture about how the two differ based on the information we have provided up to now.

You will have heard of internal conflicts or mechanisms, but what do these mean? And what is the difference between internal and external when we are referring to terms like these that form a standard part of our everyday language? When we address something as internal, we are implying it to be within an interior region. It quite literally means a thing happening within something else.

This is how we can easily tell external and internal apart from one another. Contrarily, the former relates to things being situated or events occurring on the outside of something else, rather than within it. It implies that some other factor from the outside is involved. Doing something externally indicates that the object or the occurrence is at the innate surface level.

Taking a scientific point of view, tests are held in scientific laboratories. They can either be conducted by people who work for an organization or someone who works on the outside of it.

An internal test implies that all testing, as well as the results analysis, will be done within the institution. It will not involve any external or outside authorities. To be clear, an external customer is a person who is not directly connected to your organization other than by purchasing your product or service.

The goals for your external customer can depend on your product or service, i. You might follow up after-purchase—or during—to conduct formal or quick-pulse surveys. Without them, your company fails. Internal customers have a relationship with, and within, your company, either through employment or as partners who deliver your product or service to the end user, the external customer.

Less obvious but certainly still significant, stakeholders and shareholders are also internal customers. All of these may or may not purchase your product or service. External customers have been inherent in business since people started making and selling products—a long time!

The idea of an internal customer, however, is a more modern one. For instance, Six Sigma encourages identifying internal customers as a way of creating a more positive work environment. That positive work environment includes things like kind and empathetic leadership, fair and equitable pay, comfortable working conditions, the latest technology, and so on.

The thinking goes: the higher employee morale, the more those employees work with integrity and productivity. That morale can also come from the idea that they are contributing to something larger, which ripples out positively to improve how they work.


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