What if wireless routers were social

As said, the second router increases the wireless range, and you can even daisy-chain a few routers using the same method. But you should know that your internet speed might suffer, especially if you have only one outbound connection. At the same time, two routers on the same network allow you to access all your shared files throughout the network.

However, file sharing comes with some security concerns. Anyone who has access to your wireless network can access the files as well. Also, if you have an old router, you can always repurpose it to get a better Wi-Fi reach. But remember that this affects the strength of your Wi-Fi signal. In addition, the Algorithm Socially-Aware TDMA Scheduling computation of closeness requires fewer resources compared Data: Topology and closeness information for 2-hop neighborhood of node i, to other social centrality metrics because Eigenvector and current FrameCount.

Contains winner power-law distributions where a small number of nodes have i. Each node generates as many delay and throughput, justifying the throughput advantage pseudorandom lottery ticket numbers as its closeness value for brought by the use of social centrality metrics. Lottery tickets are pseudo- randomly generated by a simple hash function that contains IX.

Our simulation results for the elections with 10 tickets. If another node has closeness value 2, proposed socially-aware channel access scheduling has also it joins the elections with 2 tickets.

The node that has the proved beneficial, showing that utilizing socially central nodes highest ticket number for that slot is the winner of the slot and provides substantial throughput improvement. Future work is the node that has the right to transmit and a node with a should include extensions and performance comparisons on higher number of tickets has a higher chance of winning.

With other well-known channel access techniques such as IEEE this kind of scaling, the probability of each node to win a slot WMNs have fairly static topologies. Therefore, in our simulations, we simulate only static topologies; however, the X. The views and conclusions contained in this time. Performance Evaluation interpreted as representing the official policies, either Next, we evaluate the performance of the proposed socially- expressed or implied, of the Office of Naval Research or the aware scheduling scheme.

For our baseline scheme, we use the U. In the baseline case, each node generates XI. In other words, each node has an equal chance of being [1] A. Raniwala, K. Gopalan and T. Rev, vol. And, at each time slot the winning node is selected , April Katsaros, N.

Dimokas and L. Network, vol. Nanda and D. Dimokas, D. Katsaros, L. Tassiulas and Y. Gao, Q. Li, B. Zhao and G. Daly and M. Hui, J.

Crowcroft and E. Figure 5 - Delay vs. Carley, D. Columbus, M. DeReno, J. Reminga and I. We perform simulations in ns Ruiz, J. Galera, C. Jelger and T. We measure end-to-end delay Wireless Mesh Networks Connected to Internet," in Proceedings of the and end-to-end throughput calculated across all data packets First International Conference on Integrated Internet Ad-hoc and Sensor excluding control packets generated during the simulations.

Networks InterSense , Nice, France, Akyildiz, X. Wang and W. Goh, E. Oh, H. Jeong, B. Kahng and D. Holme, B. Kim, C. Yoon and S. E, vol. She currently serves, or has pursuing the PhD degree in the Electrical and Computer served, as a consultant for several companies, government Engineering Department of Carnegie Mellon University, agencies, and on multiple national research council panels. Pittsburgh, PA. Her current research interests are in the areas L.

Richard Carley carley ece. Her previous publications Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined Carnegie focus on channel access scheduling for wireless mesh Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA in , and in March networks and on-chip networks. His research interests include analog Bachelors degree in telecommunications from R.

Sc degree in technologies and novel nano-electro-mechanical device design information technology and mobility from Carnegie Mellon and fabrication. He has been granted 15 patents, authored or University.

He has won Siemens Networks, India. Also, look for one that has a mesh network to extend the Wi-Fi capabilities across the home. Router technology has changed over time.

Make sure you have a router that uses the latest technology and has updated firmware. It stands for multi-user, multiple-input, multiple-output technology. It allows Wi-Fi routers to communicate with multiple devices simultaneously. This decreases the wait time and improves network speed. Cybercriminals can penetrate your home network and install malware and viruses in your devices.

They work with an arsenal of tools to gain access to your personal and financial information. Having a router that provides network level protection could help protect against cyberattacks at the port of entry. Look for a router that has built-in security features, like automatic updates, device quarantine, and signed firmware updates. Routers have become a very important part of the connected home.

Make sure you buy a router that you can control easily. The latest routers are easy to install and use. Some come with user-friendly apps that help you with guest networks, parental controls, user time limits, and network management. Whether you are setting up a new router in your home or upgrading an existing one, make sure you get to know all the workings of your new router and if it is designed to meet your needs. All rights reserved. Firefox is a trademark of Mozilla Foundation. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

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The Android robot is reproduced or modified from work created and shared by Google and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 3. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Security Center IoT What is a router, and how does it work?


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