The answer is YES! Pairing it up with the ZUS app , you can get full diagnostics of your codes as well as a dedicated short video to teach you how to fix them at home. Check out the video below and see how it can help you save thousands of dollars on car expenses:. P - System Too Lean Bank 1. P - Coolant Thermostat Malfunction. Reading and interpreting OBD2 Codes is simple and it helps you to understand your vehicle better, drive safer, and save money. Even if you found that you cannot fix it after simple diagnostics following the guides online, knowing the issues will prevent you from being scammed by mechanics.
Although reading OBD2 codes is simple, investing in an expensive OBD2 scanner might be risky, especially when you are new to car checks and fixing. Hope this article is helpful!
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Leave a comment Name. DTCs may also be triggered by faults earlier down the line. For example, a dirty MAF sensor might be causing the car to overcompensate in its fuel-trim adjustments. As a result, oxygen sensors are likely to report fuel mixture problems. You can also access the database by downloading the printable offline version of OBD2 codes ideal for auto mechanics. TIP: This helpful resource site will reveal problem, cause, solution for every obd fault code which is picked up via computer software for car diagnostics.
In general, codes that begin with P0 are Generic codes, whereas codes that begin with P1 are manufacturer-specific. Additional code groups are however available to allow for expansion of these code lists. The full breakdown of the code groups is shown below:. TIP: To quickly find an error code, use your browsers Search function.
The scanner allows you to communicate with the computer and retrieve the trouble codes. Certain scanners may give information on what the revealed code means, but most will just give a five digit number and letter combination. It legally has to be within 3 feet of the steering wheel and must not require tools to access it. Step 2: Plug your OBD scan tool into the connector.
Step 3: Read the codes in the computer. Each scan tool will have different instructions on how to operate it, so read yours carefully. Step 4: Record the codes that display. If there are multiple codes, they may cycle through or you may have to press a button to view the next code.
OBD codes may seem complex, but underneath the letters and numbers, you can identify the general cause of your lit Check Engine Light, allowing you to take the next necessary steps. The second section is the next character, which is a single number, from 0 to 3. The third section is the third character, which is a single number from 0 to 9.
The fourth and last section includes both the fourth and fifth characters together, so it is a pair of numbers, from 00 to Step 2: Determine the meaning of the letter.
There are four possible letters that can be displayed in the first section. This is indicated by the first number in the sequence, immediately after the letter. SAE codes are generic codes that apply to all makes and models. In general, codes that begin with P0 are generic codes concerning a powertrain issue, whereas codes that begin with P1 are manufacturer-specific.
Step 4: Determine which system the code applies to. The third number in the sequence refers to the system that is affected:. Step 5: Determine the exact fault. The last two numbers provide a description of the fault code. It is important to remember that any code revealed is only a starting point for proper diagnosis. An OBD code will only indicate the system experiencing the issue; it will not tell you why or how to fix it.
Oftentimes, parts are replaced over and over until it is made clear that a code does not equal the part. While determining a code may just be the starting point, it is fundamental, and taking these first steps will help you to learn more about your vehicle and let it be your guide. The most popular service booked by readers of this article is Check Engine Light is on Inspection. Our certified mobile mechanics perform over services, including diagnostics, brakes, oil changes, scheduled mileage maintenances, and will come to you with all necessary parts and tools.
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Service Location. Tip : OBD codes refers to nearly the same thing as DTC codes, therefore you will often hear them used interchangeably in the automotive industry. Since there are hundreds of possible OBD codes, there are also hundreds of possible reasons for the light, including: Computer output circuit issues Emissions controls issues Fuel and air metering systems problems Ignition system faults Speed control and idle problems Transmission issues This is why it is important for someone who does not have a lot of automotive knowledge to not assume what a code means.
Warning : If the Check Engine Light comes on and flashes, it indicates a very serious concern. Find a safe place to stop, turn off your car, and have it diagnosed and repaired before you continue to use it.