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Is it possible to avoid the monster in the game SkiFree? Anyhow, like always, I end up getting eaten by that monster thing at the end. Is it even possible to avoid him? Attached Images skifree monster. I have beaten that game and what I do is I go as fast as I can all the way down the mountain.
But if you hit a rock or a treee you're in trouble. So just try not to jump or hit anything. Dear Diary, Jackpot! This also occurs if you go up meters above the starting line. The point of the Yeti is for you to start a new game. After all, the game officially ended at the finish line. You can outrun it for a while if you are fast, but don't count on making it back to the starting point. That thing is fast. In those days you couldn't throw a query into Google and instantly get an answer to a game-related problem, and the big forums were still in their infancy.
When you needed help with a game you had to hope it was in a magazine or one of your friends knew what to do. Otherwise you were shit out of luck. Unfortunately, when I was a little girl, none of my friends cared about PC gaming or computers in general , so getting a solution from them was out.
Computer magazines were too busy talking about the latest "real" games, and didn't often pay a game like SkiFree any mind. Instead, I had to cruise the net at As long as SkiFree has been around, there have been people talking about it on the internet.
It came with little in the way of documentation, other than showing you the controls for how to restart, turn, and pause at the start of your run. This led to plenty of theories on how to "beat" the game. Of course, there's no actual way to beat it—the course just loops over—but that didn't stop people from swearing that if you ski for an absurdly long time you'll somehow come to the end.
Once players discovered the course looped, the win condition became outrunning the Yetis. After you pass the 2,meter mark, the Abominable Snow Monster starts chasing you and is absurdly fast. If you manage to keep away from it for a while a second one will spawn. Legend has it that there's a way to make a third Yeti appear, but I've never seen it.