Santana why dont you and i

General Comment Great love song about how this person cannot be without her and how she makes him a better person. No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment a straight up love song, pure and simple. General Comment isn't this alex band from the calling, and not chad kroeger? General Comment faria: What happened was: Chad Kroeger wrote the song and recorded it for the Santana album.

When Arista said they were going to release it as a single, Nickelback's label refused because having Kroeger in an eye-catching single might take attention away from The Long Road which Nickelback was releasing. Kroeger suggested Alex Band should rerecord the song, and he did, and Band is on the single version. Album version has Kroeger. As LucyLu said, it's just a plain old love song. Santana is a legendary guitarist - Clapton, Hendrix caliber. RockRapListen on June 08, Link. General Comment Cool!

Letra - Traducida - Lyrics. Pre-Chorus Every time I try to talk to you, I get tongue tied, Turns out that everything I say to you comes out wrong, It never comes out right. Chorus So I'll say why don't you and I get together, Take on the world and be together forever, Heads we will, tails we'll try again, So I'll say why don't you and I hold eachother, Fly to the moon and straight onto Heaven, 'Cause without you, they're never gonna let me in.

Alex Band Lyrics provided by SongLyrics. Note: When you embed the widget in your site, it will match your site's styles CSS. This is just a preview! Cannot annotate a non-flat selection. Make sure your selection starts and ends within the same node. All News Daily Roundup. Album Reviews Song Reviews. Song Lyrics. Song Lyrics Artists - S Santana feat. Review: RIFF-it.


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