Mw2 how long does uav last

Looks like nobody posted here yet Read on. Most Popular. Article Menu. Featured Titles. Best Weapons. Best Loadouts. A drone that constantly emits a scrambling signal, disabling enemy mini maps and incrementally disrupting their senses the closer they get to it. All Weapons List.

All Attachments. All Killstreaks. All Field Upgrades. All Tacticals. All Lethals. All Perks. All Maps. Like other scorestreak aircraft, it can be shot down with normal weapons, faster with the FMJ attachment.

It is unlocked by default level 1 and available for deployment after getting 3 kills without dying. It will fly clockwise above the map for 30 seconds before leaving. The UAV Recon can easily be shot down by most assault rifles and submachine guns.

A single Stinger missile will take it down as well, as it does not have flares. The UAV is awarded at points. The UAV lasts 35 seconds. Its functionality is similar to the Oracle pointstreak from Call of Duty: Ghosts , except that the highlights occur much faster.

It is only useful if there are regular enemies in the current round the player is in, as enemies such as A. It is also better to use at the start of the round, statistically, because of it showing more enemies than it would in the middle of a round. It reveals all hidden enemy elements within the target area, specifically mines. It has a performing range of 10 tiles and a detecting range of 5.

The performing and detection range will increase when upgraded. When in use, the player is notified over radio when half its duration is up and when the UAV departs. During the first 8 seasons it had the same effect as the Advanced UAV.

Since the season 9 Conquest update, it has the same effect as any other UAV. Call of Duty Wiki Explore. Cold War. Weapons in Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? UAV Recon. View source. History Talk 9. Designate a mortar strike by pointing a handheld laser at any position within your line of sight.

After aiming the laser towards an area and pressing fire, several artillery shells will pepper a circular zone in an explosive barrage. Using a Cluster Strike effectively comes down to understanding its zone of control. It may be limited, but anyone caught within its blast will have an uphill battle against survival.

By activating this Killstreak, your Operator will launch a Cruise Missile via tablet and release it from its air carrier. While it is airborne, you can steer the Cruise Missile to your intended target as well as accelerate its fall with a built-in boost function. While difficult, it is possible to pilot a Cruise Missile into an enemy Killstreak which, in most cases, will destroy it instantly.

Throw on those binoculars to designate a twin jet precision strike on a path in your line of sight. Once you mark the airstrike location, two jets will swoop down one after the other on the area to take out any hostile forces that cross its line of fire. Much like the Cluster Strike, anyone caught within the path of a Precision Airstrike — including its owner — is up against plenty of explosive power. Be careful when using this Killstreak. The vehicle comes with a powerful airburst turret that fires punishing cannon rounds.

You have steering, aiming, view-changing, firing, and other capabilities. Be mindful of its fuel and health reserves as you use it to deliver mass casualties to enemy forces! This vehicle is only available on a selection of larger maps, such as Grazna Raid. If this Killstreak is selected when loading into a smaller map, it will be replaced with Wheelson. The Sentry Gun is similar to a fully-automated Shield Turret, except it is made of stronger material that is more resistant to gunfire and explosives to compensate for a lack of a shield.

It can also swivel about 90 degrees to the left and right of its position to track and fire upon enemies, allowing it to cover plenty of space with little effort. Act fast and be generous with your team to scoop up all the random Killstreaks inside these packages, lest they fall into the wrong hands. Dispatch a fighter jet to a marked location via tablet with this mid-tier Killstreak that acts in two stages. Upon initial deployment, the VTOL Jet will drop several missiles on a designated area as a first strike attack.

Following its initial missile barrage, it will make a turn back toward the area and hover over it to provide defensive support. Should you want the jet to defend another area, simply press the same button that activated the Killstreak over a new patrol zone, and the VTOL Jet will reposition and continue providing support. Launch a Chopper Gunner and jump into the boots of a pilot and gunner that will bring plenty of offensive firepower against the opposition while it flies over the entire map.

The built-in vision system on this chopper can even switch into thermal mode, which highlights enemies by their heat signatures in infrared light. Cover a strip of the battlefield with a carpet bomb that releases white smoke flare canisters onto a designated area. After positioning the strike via tablet and dispatching the carrier plane, a jet will fly over and drop White Phosphorus bombs in a straight line.

Anyone who dares to traverse the affected area will become disoriented by the light of the white-hot flames, as well as be burned by the scorching heat should they draw closer to it. This helicopter is piloted by a friendly AI soldier who will circle around the whole map searching for enemies and contains two gunners who will fire at-will toward any hostile force that appears on their radar.

This is a heavy assault Gunship that comes with three types of ammunition: a massive mm cannon for pure area-of-effect damage, a mid-size 40mm gun for smaller area damage dealing, and a 25mm weapon to knock down individual targets. Cycle through these weapons as the Gunship circles over the map overhead to eliminate the opposition.

Should you need help finding enemy forces, there is a built-in Thermal sight that can detect heat signatures which can be toggled on and off.


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