Thank you so much for all your hard work on your website. God bless you. Turn off background app refresh, in fact turn everything off that talks to the internet in the background. Also do not update your apps while on mobile network, 5 app updates will use up 1G per day no problem! Load more comments Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Please let me know by e-mail when there is a reply to my message. Mobile Data Limits. Your Comments so far We'd love to hear your thoughts and any questions you may have.
Dobbin47, Sussex, UK. Dear Ken, The information on tariffs which you provide here is sooo helpful. Michael A Clark said: February 4, at am. If you are using an unlimited plan, these numbers mean nothing to you unless you are thinking of switching to a cheaper cell phone data plan.
Our thoughts are that the average cell phone user would not need more than 2-Gigabytes of data per month however if you plan to stream a lot of movies, download or listen to tons of music or use your phone as a computer then you should probably look at an unlimited usage plan.
The following is a rough estimate of the things you can do on your phone with a 2GB data plan. There are many factors involved while assessing the averages like the size of photos of emails and web pages. These factors vary greatly so these are only rough estimates but should give you a good idea of some of the things that can be done with a 2-Gigabyte data plan.
If you are looking for numbers for a different size plan, simply multiply the numbers by the size of the plan you are thinking about using. There are two types of emails to send; one with attachments and one without. The average email with no attachments is about 25 kilobytes and one with attachments would be about kilobytes.
That being said you could send about 84 thousand emails without attachments or 4 thousand with attachments. On average, streaming music uses about 25 Megabytes per hour so you could listen to about 82 hours of streaming music per month. The average mobile web page uses about 1-Megabyte of data so you could view about 2, web pages per month.
The average post on Facebook with a photo attachment is about Kilobytes so you could post 5, photos per month with a 2-Gigabyte data plan. We also used numerous other sources to update those numbers where necessary. Mobile versions of websites are designed to be less data heavy than their non-mobile counterparts.
That takes care of the math, but what are the real-world implications? We like to think of them in terms of being small, medium, large and extra-large buckets of data.
If we say the average text-only email is 20 KB a piece, we can send and receive about 5, such emails and still stay within the MB Small bucket. Or, we can visit about 50 web pages in a given month, assuming an average of 2 MB per site yep — modern web pages have gotten quite a bit heftier.
We can stream around minutes of music or upload 50 high-quality photos. By the numbers, MB of mobile data allows for:. By using techniques like pre-downloading streaming media, apps, and large files over Wi-Fi, you can comfortably utilize your MB for emails, browsing, and social media.
Pop quiz…how many MB in a GB again? This is another very small data drain. Tethering will typically use a lot of data. As such, this is another kind of data use that demands a high allowance if you plan to do it a lot. Think 20GB minimum. So if you download a file over 5G it will be the same size as if you download it over 4G — it will just download faster with a 5G connection. Some video streaming apps and the like may also default to higher quality if they detect a 5G connection, which will then use more data.
So there you have it. Do that, compare it with the figures here, and you should be able to work out a comfortable limit. Apple iPhone 13 Range. Black Friday Deals. Online since Secure site. Categories Reviews News Guides.
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