How many armenians in the world

The alphabet was the key that allowed Armenians to preserve their culture and identity, thus lending them exceptional longevity. One of highest-ranking officials who served - and survived - four secretaries general.

Shaped an ideology that continues to influence Armenian thinkers, politicians and leaders to this day. A dedicated proponent of the liberation of Armenians from Ottoman and Persian rule. Created several famous works of art that adorn buildings, parks and museum halls.

Registered one of the highest winning percentages, 6th all-time, in the sport. Source: Worldometer www. Medium-fertility variant. Main Page: Demographics of Armenia. Life Expectancy. Infant Mortality.

Deaths under age 5. Notes The Armenia Population Live counter shows a continuously updated estimate of the current population of Armenia delivered by Worldometer's RTS algorithm , which processes data collected from the United Nations Population Division. The Yearly Population Growth Rate chart plots the annual percentage changes in population registered on July 1 of each year, from to Definitions Year : as of July 1 of the year indicated. Many Armenians throughout history travelled outside of Armenia because of an interest in trade and selling wares.

Armenia merchants played a vital role in the economies of other countries such as China, Persia, and India. The immigration of Armenian people has continued up to the present day.

This spread of Armenians has not weakened Armenian culture ; it has defined it. They enjoy Armenian food, games, and music. Participants also discuss the future of their shared heritage. Many Armenians today feel inspired to establish their culture through their professions and interests, such as offering medical expertise or protecting the environment. While he has chosen a very American name for his business—Magic Brush Art Studio—he has been able to share his unique talent and perspective.

This is because, according to Eduard, being Armenian has always meant being a contributor. The diaspora has enhanced Armenian heritage throughout the ages because Armenian people tend to hold close to their identity and to each other.

Often, their connections to each other have helped them to succeed in areas such as entrepreneurship and to contribute to the countries where they live. The biggest Diasporas in the world are Chinese and Indian, but they do not by any means exceed the populations in their respective countries as in the two cases mentioned above 3. Today the largest Armenian communities are in Russia 2.

Another very important community used to exist in Syria, but after recent events most Armenians have fled the country, many of them asking for residency in Armenia 5. Armenian communities outside Armenia have existed for centuries, stretching from Singapore to Venice and from Esfahan to Amsterdam.

These communities were actively engaged in trade and largely contributed, on the one hand, to the economy, and on the other hand to identity maintenance, political mobilization, and knowledge transfer 6. Many important communities existed in Italy, Poland, India, Egypt, etc. Past invasions and foreign occupation of Armenia, the shaky political situation, the division of Armenia between Turkey and Persia later between Turkey and Russia , all contributed to many Armenians leaving their homeland and creating small communities abroad.

During the Middle Ages and up to the 18th century these communities played an active role in international trade. So much so, that British colonizers considered them competitors and sought ways to oust them from the market. Because of such a policy, the Armenian network in Asia and especially in Africa was severely damaged 7.

The geographical position, connecting Europe with Asia, the North with the South, and through which passed important trading routes, while being crucial for the development of trade, proved to be fatal for political instability, constant conquests by foreigners and endless struggle for freedom 8.

Despite having such active colonies abroad for a long time, the formation of the Diaspora, the 'diasporization' of the nation, however, has resulted from the mass extermination of Armenians by the Turks In this context, the Armenian Diaspora is often regarded as a 'victim Diaspora', that shares common features with Jewish and African ones. However, regarding the Jewish case, there are many significant differences.

The Jewish Diaspora had already been in existence for years when the Holocaust occurred, while a significant Armenian Diaspora emerged for the first time after the Armenian massacres of the late 19th century and especially during World War I. Armenians were an indigenous population where they lived, whereas Jews were a minority in Germany.


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