How long tarantula premolt

She ate like 5 roaches and mealworms in two months. She didn't ate after molt for one month, just rejected food. Now about one and a half month ago she started to eat like lets say T. And boy she's a pig! Now she started premolt fasting about three weeks ago I think.

She stoped eating, her abdomen is almost all bald, started to work on a web If they are smaller than the spider. Also the mealwormshave little nutrinian value for bigger spider and superworm have too much fat. I give my spiders mixed diet of mealworms, flour beetle wich turns from mealworms, blatta lateralis roaches, crickets, zophobas morio superworms and their beattles. Joined Jan 31, Messages 1, We have not defined premolt carefully for this conversation, which is one reason we keep getting really varying opinions on the matter.

We have a pretty hard time telling what's going on with our tarantulas. Signs of impending molts are not real clear until right before it happens. I think a good number of people consider premolt the period of time between when a tarantula stops taking food and when it molts. Unfortunately, tarantulas can fast for reasons we don't understand. If they do it right up to a molt, is that premolt? Who can say? I had a G pulchripes go 11 months without accepting food and then molted.

After that she ate real well. Was she in premolt the whole time? I'm inclined to think she just wasn't hungry. Some T's will eat the day before they molt. I don't think you can put a time frame on it, but as long as it looks plump and not dehydrated there should be nothing to worry about.

Doddis said:. Click to expand Messages 1, Location Maryland. I agree with fuzzy. Ok thank's guys! I'll make sure to see it has water and food! Here's a picture. Messages Location Delco, PA. Aww cute little fella. That sure looks like premolt to me. That bald spot is a dead give away. Keep us updated. Can't wait to see his new suit! The bald spot doesnt look like it is very dark. My 1cm boehmei molted yesterday and its only sign of premolt is refusal of food and staying in one spot.

It didn't even have the bald spot or change in coloration of abdomen. Surest sign of the molt was when it finally laid on its back. Last edited: Oct 29, RedCapTrio said:. For more tips from our veterinary co-author on how to care for your tarantula during and after molting, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue.

No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article parts. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Part 1. Watch for decreased movement. Is your spider moving around less than usual? Tarantulas often stop moving or don't move at all to conserve energy before a molt. If your tarantula has not been moving much lately, then this could be a sign that she is about to molt.

Note a refusal to eat. Before a big molt, tarantulas will stop eating for extended periods of time, ranging from a few weeks to a couple of months.

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